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Jack and Daisy

62 products

Jack and Daisy Plush Companions (pair)

Our tiny dog friends Jack and Daisy have...

Jack and Daisy Early Readers

Levels: A/1 – B/2

This set of six of stories about irresistible...

Jack and Daisy Orange Chapter Books

Levels: G/11 – I/15

Our latest set of chapter books featuring Jack...

Jack and Daisy Coral Set

Levels: A/1 – D/5

Jack and Daisy just don't stop. They are...

Jack and Daisy Purple Set

Levels: D/5 – I/16

Irresistible small dogs Jack and Daisy now have...

Jack and Daisy Blue Chapter Books

Levels: I/15

Our tiny dog friends now have a set...

Jack and Daisy Green Set

Levels: I/15

Jack and Daisy are back for more adventures...

Jack and Daisy Tan Set

Levels: I/15

In Jack and Daisy's latest set, the small...

Jack and Daisy Readers' Theatre

Levels: I/15

The dynamic dog duo now have their own...

Jack and Daisy Coral Set Lap Books

Levels: I/15

Jack and Daisy just don't stop. They are...

The Seashell

Levels: H/13

Jack and Daisy go to the beach with...

Ice Cream for Jack and Daisy

Levels: I/15

Jack and Daisy take a walk to Cook...

The Dog Cookie

Levels: H/13

Jack and Daisy argue over a dog cookie...

Tucker the Lost Puppy

Levels: G/12

Bella, Rosie, Jack, and Daisy go for a...

The Super Dog Club

Levels: F/10

Jack's friend Churchill wants to start a Super...

A Bike Ride for Jack

Levels: G/11

Daisy, Bella, and Rosie are excited to go...